Feb 18, 2011

How to low your blood pressure-salt and your health

     Salt and your health ... Seemingly a very simple connection between these two is more complex notion than you can imagine. In this era of cardiovascular disease , it is certain that there is at least one man who has not heard that there is a connection between the amount of salt that enter the body, and your blood pressure. But, this issue we will be back later. Let us now say a few words about “her majesty” SALT. When you mention SALT, first thing that comes to your mind is kitchen salt, or sodium chloride (NaCl), without most people could never imagine a meal. So it has always been known to mankind as irreplaceable “widget” for every meal; in some periods of human history it has been one of the most valuable commodity when it comes to trade, and how much was actually valued and sought information tells us that the Roman soldiers received their wages in salt, and that is also called white gold. But do we really so much need?
     In all the books related to medicine, and that know all the doctors, writes that “no salt=no life” SALT impact on the state of much needed electrolytes in our body, and the electrochemical processes in cells, so that today we have the term “cell membrane potential”. So it is said that Na is one of the main ions in the extracellular fluid, and has it in the plasma, and less in cells.It is responsible to regulate osmolality, acid-base balance and membrane potential of the cell.That is why the recommendation of doctors is to do a day in the organism enters 2.5 to 7 grams of sodium salt.To doctors recommendation ...
     But what the doctors today (at least the vast majority) rather than "slaves" of large pharmaceutical companies, which, if there are not more diseases of modern times, the lack of need for medication to treat them, would be out of market.To be sure, not all doctors are like that, and they do not work for some form of coercion, but simply because of that situation they have more profit as well as pharmaceutical companies, was that the profits in the form of a large number of new patients to private clinics where peppery charge summaries, or in the form of seminars and courses the luxury resorts that they pay exactly the same pharmaceutical companies.But let us return to the real topic ...
     Supplied by me to be in medical books are simply not true, they are imaginary.Real fact is that 95% of sodium in the body is out of the cells and only 5% is inside.What then what we actually need? What is the element that actually regulates the operation of the cell as the basic unit of the organism, and thus the entire body? It is potassium. Potassium in the body has different vital effects. It helps regulate body water, maintaining electrolyte balance and acid-base balance. This mineral also plays an important role in the transmission of electrical impulses to the heart, normalizing heart rhythm. It has important role in the tightening of the heart muscle, enzyme activity and the creation of a reserve of glycogen in liver cells.
     Potassium especially coordinates the activity of kidney and gastric mucosa. Potassium in the body acts to maintain muscle tone, blood pressure, body water and other functions. Many researchers believe that the problem of high blood pressure, caused by excessive salt intake, increased if the diet does not have enough potassium. The richest natural sources are citrus fruits, tomatoes, lettuce, bananas, potatoes, broccoli and milk.
      * The estimated minimum daily dose of K is about 2 grams, and the body by the use of third place, behind calcium and phosphorus. Potassium increases the transmission of nerve impulses, and contraction of muscles. The greatest enemies of potassium are: alcohol, coffee and sugar. A good intake of potassium provided smooth and tighten skin. Large content of potassium in food stimulates urination and elimination of toxins. The presence of potassium is essential for a good supply of the brain with oxygen, and thus a good reflection. For athletes is very important, because its lack of retreat and joint disease. When no potassium is lost and enthusiasm, we become lazy.
     As we age, our body needs for potassium are bigger and bigger .. Certain enzymes require the presence of potassium chloride to activate at all. Potassium is lost in sweat and great effort, but also through their urine, which means that the introduction of large amounts of fluid in the body and on more releases. The question remains, why doctors recommend that a larger amount of water? Perhaps the proper nutrition brings into the body quite a lot of water? If we enter into the body large amounts of sodium salt or sugar, normally we would be thirsty. The organism will simply start to throw it out. And that is why we need potassium. Sometimes you do not drink water. So maybe you are adequately fed, because plant foods rich in organic water if additional water is needed.
     Official Medicine says that daily intake of potassium for adults should be 3200 to 4100 milligrams (when I started a few years ago I read about nutrition, it was about 2000 mg !!!). That is only one small proof of wandering in the medicine. The largest deficit caused by excessive potassium ejection from the body. It is said that potassium is toxic in large quantities because if it is inserted directly into the bloodstream we are sentenced to death. It is different when potassium flows through the organs. Blood cells do not accept food and soda as feverishly to defend itself from him. In the defense potassium, which is the happy blood cells pass through a membrane, has been fighting to stop the penetration of sodium into the cell and carry it out through the kidneys ... and in this struggle is being spent.
     And if something so fundamental is spent, it needs to be regularly compensate by entering it into the body, either through raw fruits and vegetables mentioned above, or by products that have recently entered the market in question is POTASSIUM SALT.Use of this product is recommended for people with high blood pressure, with heart and kidney problems (in consultation with the doctor), it can help people continue to enjoy the salty food, without fear that there will be deterioration in their health.POTASSIUM SALT contains 2 / 3 sodium, and 1 / 3 potassium as a perfect balance of the two most important minerals for the human body. By using this salt you will solve two problems, the occurrence of high blood pressure and water retention.You would live healthy.


So i vaše zdravlje

   So i vaše zdravlje... Naizgled vrlo jednostavna veza između ova 2 pojma kompleksnija je nego što možete i da zamislite. U ovoj eri kardio-vaskuarnih oboljenja, sigurno je da ne postoji čovjek koji bar jednom nije čuo da postoji veza između količine soli koju unesete u organizam, i recimo, krvnog pritiska.Ali, ovoj temi ćemo da se vratimo poslije.

   Da sad kažemo par riječi o „njenom veličanstvu“ SOLI .Kada danas spomenemo so, svima prvo pada na pamet kuhinjska so, odnosno natrijum-hlorid (NaCl), bez koje većina ljudi ne bi mogla ni da zamisli svoj obrok.

   So je od davnina poznata ljudskom rodu kao nezamjenljivi „dodatak“ jelu, u jednom periodu ljudske istorije bila je jedna od najvrijednijih roba kada je trgovina u pitanju, a koliko je u stvari bila cijenjena i tražena govori nam podatak i da su rimski vojnici dobijali svoju platu u soli, i da je nazivana i bijelim zlatom. Ali da li nam je so zaista toliko potrebna?  

    U svim knjigama vezanim za medicinu,  a to znaju svi doktori, piše da „bez soli nema života“.So utiče na stanje prijeko potrebnih elektrolita u našem organizmu, odnosno na elektrohemijske procese u ćelijama, pa tako danas imamo pojam „membranskog potencijala ćelije“. Tako se kaže da je natrijum jedan od glavnih jona u ekstracelularnoj tečnosti,a ima ga i u plazmi, a manje u ćelijama.Odgovoran je za regulisanje osmolaliteta, acido-bazne ravnoteže i membranskog potencijala ćelije.Zato je preporuka doktora da se dnevno u organizam unese 2,5-7 gr natrijumove soli.To je preporuka doktora...

   Ali šta su doktori danas (bar velika većina) nego "sluge" velikih farmaceutskih kompanija, koje bi, da nema sve više bolesti savremenog doba, zbog nedostatka potrebe za lijekovima za liječenje istih, propale.Da se razumijemo, nisu svi doktori takvi, i ne rade oni to zbog nekog vida prisile, nego jednostavno zbog toga što im takva situacija donosi profit kao i farmaceutskim kompanijama, bilo da je taj profit u vidu velikog broja novih pacijenata na privatnim klinikama na kojima papreno naplaćuju preglede, ili u vidu seminara i kolegija po luksuznim odmaralištima koje im plaćaju upravo te iste farmaceutske kompanije.Ali da se vratimo na pravu temu ovoga teksta...

   Podaci koje sam naveo da se nalaze u medicinskim knjigama jednostavno nisu tačni, izmišljeni su.Tačan podatak je da se 95% natrijuma u organizmu nalazi van ćelije a samo 5% unutar.Šta je onda to što nama u stvari treba?Koji je to element koji zaista reguliše rad ćelije kao osnovne jedinice organizma, pa samim tim i cijeli organizam?U pitanju je KALIJUM.

   Kalijum ima u tijelu različite životno važne učinke. Glavni je kation ćelija koji  pomaže u regulaciji vode u organizmu, tj. održavanju ravnoteže elektrolita i kiselo-bazne ravnoteže. Ovaj mineral igra važnu ulogu u prenosu električnih impulsa do srca, tj. normalizaciji ritma rada srca. Važna mu je uloga i u stezanju srčanog mišića, aktivnosti enzima i u stvaranju rezervnog glikogena u ćelijama jetre.
   Kalijum posebno usklađuje aktivnost bubrega i želudačne sluzokože. Kalijum u organizmu deluje u održavanju mišićnog tonusa, krvnog pritiska, vode u organizmu i ostalih funkcija. Mnogi istraživači veruju da se problem povišenog pritiska, uzrokovanog prevelikim unosom soli, povećava ako u ishrani nema dovoljno kalijuma.
   Najbogatiji prirodni izvori su agrumi, rajčica, salata, banane, krompir, brokula i mlijeko.

    *Procjenjena minimalna dnevna doza K je oko 2 grama, a u organizmu je po zastupljenosti na trećem mestu, odmah iza kalcijuma i fosfora. Povećava prenos nervnih impulsa, snižava krvni pritisak i stezanje mišića.
    Najveći neprijatelji kalijuma su: alkohol, kafa i šećer. Dobar unos kalijuma obezbjeđuje glatku i zategnutu kožu. Veliki sadržaj kalijuma u hrani podstiče mokrenje i eliminaciju toksina. Prisustvo kalijuma je preduslov dobrog snabdjevanja mozga kiseonikom, a samim tim i dobrog razmišljanja. Za sportiste je veoma bitan, jer njegov nedostatak povlači i oboljenje zglobova. 
   Kad nema kalijuma gubi se životni elan, postajemo ljenji.
      Kako starimo, potrebe našeg organizma za kalijumom su sve veće i veće.. Izvesni enzimi traže prisustvo kalijum-hlorida da bi se uopšte aktivirali.
   Kalijum se gubi prilikom znojenja i velikih napora, ali i kroz mokraću, što znači da se unošenjem velikih količina tečnosti u organizam i on više izbacuje. Ostaje pitanje, zašto ljekari preporučuju veću količinu vode?
    Možda se adekvatnom ishranom u organizam unose sasvim dovoljne količine vode?!
   Ako smo u organizam unijeli velike količine natrijumove soli ili rafinisnog šećera, normalno da ćemo biti žedni. Organizam će se jednostavno pokrenuti da to izbaci. I to je ono što će činiti upravo kalijum.  
   Nekada vam se ne pije voda. Pa možda ste se adekvatno hranili, jer biljna hrana obiluje organskom vodom,
po dodatna voda nije potrebna.
   Zvanična medicina kaže i da dnevni unos kalijuma za odraslu osobu treba da bude 3200 do 4100 miligrama (kad sam počeo pre par godina da čitam o ishrani, bilo je oko 2000 mg !!!). 
   Tek još jedan mali dokaz o lutanjima unutar medicine.
    Najveći deficit kalijuma nastaje prekomjernim izbacivanjem iz organizma. Priča se da je kalijum u velikim količinama otrovan, jer se ubacuje direktno u krvotok osuđenicima na smrt. Ipak je drugačije kada kalijum putuje kroz organe. Krvna ćelija ne prihvata natrijum kao hranu i grozničavo se brani od njega. U toj odbrani kalijum, koji je ćelija krvi rado propustila kroz membranu,  bori se da natrijum  zaustavi od prodora u ćeliju i sprovede ga preko bubrega napolje… I u toj borbi se troši.
   A ako se nešto tako bitno troši,potrebno je da ga redovno nadoknađujemo unoseći ga u organizam, bilo putem sirovog voća i povrća koje je već navedeno, ili putem proizvoda koji se nedavno pojavio na tržištu, a u pitanju je KALIJUMOVA SO.Korištenjem ovog proizvoda koji se preporučuje osobama sa povišenim krvnim pritiskom, sa srčanim i bubrežnim problemima (u konsultaciji sa ljekarom ), omogućavamo da ljudi i dalje uživaju u slanoj hrani, bez bojazni da će doći do pogoršanja njihovog zdravstvanog stanja.KALIJUMOVA SO-NAŠA SO sadrži 2/3 natrijuma, i 1/3 kalijuma kao idealan balans dva najvažnija minerala za ljudski organizam.

   Korištenjem ove soli rješavate dva problema, pojavu visokog krvnog pritiska  i zadržavanje vode u organizmu, odnosno probleme sa bubrezima.U suštini-živite zdravo.
Zato, uz kalijumovu so-SLOBODNO SOLITE.